Zitat von WinniefredAs strange as it sounds, 0815, that's right so far.
Let me add that Mrs. Janßen mentioned that their boss even wanted to sponsor an explicit wp (in opposite to an open wp) for her before they arrived in Canada and now, only half of a year later, he is acting as if he had never wanted to employ her... very strange, isn't it?
I agree, Trudy, in my opinion it is rude to talk in a foreign language if there are people around which don't understand what one is saying. I don't like that myself... but the employer is german- so couldn't he simply tell them not to do so?
And the other question, I had in mind, is: he is paying for a waitress 1400$ per month (and she has only three shifts of work per week) - couldn't this be the reason why he wants to get rid of her but keep her husband? If I was not content with somebodies work I would want to get rid of both... *got questionsmarks above her head*
Bye Winnie
P.S. In this TV show the bavarian talked in german... and most bavarians do as far as I know (I am half-bavarian, so...) this can't be the reason
That's the point - why he couldn't tell them not to do so - I believe there must be another reason or something happend why he wants to get rid of her. But what I don't like is the point that he put the husband under pressure.... if you... I'm able to send you back to Germany...
I feel sorry for her - she was so confused not knowing what's going on. Hope she will find a new job.
Zitat von Winniefred And the other question, I had in mind, is: he is paying for a waitress 1400$ per month (and she has only three shifts of work per week) - couldn't this be the reason why he wants to get rid of her but keep her husband? If I was not content with somebodies work I would want to get rid of both... *got questionsmarks above her head*
Bye Winnie
P.S. In this TV show the bavarian talked in german... and most bavarians do as far as I know (I am half-bavarian, so...) this can't be the reason
Hi there,
he does not pay $ 1400 for a waitress. That is the amount she has with TIP.
I agree, harzmountains, I feel sorry for them, too.
Another thing that caught our attention was the language conflict in school . Their older daughter is adjusting wonderful in the new surroundings. But the little one (Thordis?) has problems with the language and even got into a fight in school. She said, she couldn't understand what the girls in school were talking about her and then got angry and kicked somebody. And all her mother tells her is to apologize? It's in the parent's responsibility to help them. I feel sorry for the girl more than I already do for the parents
Does anyone know how much she is paid without tips? I was anyway wondering how somebody pays so much for only three shifts a week (on the other hand- I didn't remember how long her shifts were, so *g)
Zitat von WinniefredI agree, harzmountains, I feel sorry for them, too.
Another thing that caught our attention was the language conflict in school . Their older daughter is adjusting wonderful in the new surroundings. But the little one (Thordis?) has problems with the language and even got into a fight in school. She said, she couldn't understand what the girls in school were talking about her and then got angry and kicked somebody. And all her mother tells her is to apologize? It's in the parent's responsibility to help them. I feel sorry for the girl more than I already do for the parents
Does anyone know how much she is paid without tips? I was anyway wondering how somebody pays so much for only three shifts a week (on the other hand- I didn't remember how long her shifts were, so *g)
Another thing that caught our attention was the language conflict in school . Their older daughter is adjusting wonderful in the new surroundings. But the little one (Thordis?) has problems with the language and even got into a fight in school. She said, she couldn't understand what the girls in school were talking about her and then got angry and kicked somebody. And all her mother tells her is to apologize? It's in the parent's responsibility to help them. I feel sorry for the girl more than I already do for the parents
Bye Winnie[/quote]
I feel sorry for Thordis, too. Poor girl, doesn't seem that she get a lot of assistance from her parents. It's always a language-problem - that's why it is so important to learn languages...
Besides it is the first time I've heard about integration problems with a child.
I saw a part of the show and also the shows before with this family. For me that family was informed about their possibilities - espaciallly the mother. When I saw other shows I always could puke because the people where not informed.
anyways... it might be possible that the boss only was looking for stupid reasons to get rid of her. We don't know why? Maybe the boss couldn't handle that the janßen working her shifts around the kids. Even they said that they had to stay home alone while their parents were working sometimes.
I only saw in the forecasts that one of the girls have a problem. So far I can remember the older girls had english in school and the other girl not. So it's def. a language problem and hopefully she will adjust as soon as she learned the language. Maybe they should try to talk only english to her just for a while 'til she got into the language. The mother also said she doens't know any word so far (who does) and that this was the reason she often talked in german to her husband during work. I understand her reasons not to talk in english, she said sometimes when u are really busy and u can't remember the words its just easier to talk in german because you know the right words then. But for me so far I suppose that the language and "I don't want a couple for me to work"- issue was only a really bad excuse for sth. else.
Even there the boss lied telling him (Janßen), that he would have to leave the country immediatly after getting laid off.
As an experienced chef he should find a new job quit fast!
That is a lie - but every bosses try. Nobody has to leave the country. Call the HRSDC an let them know that you are looking for an other job. That's it.
Zitat von MichaelWith all the things said here you should always remember that this is TV and they show what they want. Whatever gets the Viewer going.
I bet they hide a lot of facts just to make it more interesting for the german viewer.
Mrs Janssen wil find a job in this aerea right away anyways.
I wouldn't see the whole situation as a problem. They'll manage it.
As Mrs. Janssen replied in another Thread - everything is going fine and they are really happy in Canada.
I am sure that the Janssens will do fine once they have managed the language and settled in their new environment. It usually takes about 1 year to get to know the do's and the dont's in any work environment and about 2 years until the entire family knows if they really want to stay or not.
Another thing is that the Janssen's have their set character and are not as bendable any longer as a very young person. You are more set in your ways the older you get. However, with good will and patience it will all work out.