Sorry ich hatte übersehen, dass die Flüge erst ab Montag 08.03. reservierbar sind. Vorhergesehene Flüge für den Preis ab/bis München sind: ab München 21.05. rück ab Toronto 27.05. oder 03.06. ab 349.- EUR ab München 28.05. rück ab Toronto 03./10.06. ab 399.- EUR
President’s Choice Essen bei Transatlantikflügen bei AirT ab 1.6.2008
Air Transat is pleased to announce its partnership with Loblaw Companies Limited and its President’s Choice brand, one of Canada’s most trusted and beloved brands. In accordance with an exclusive agreement, Air Transat will be serving President’s Choice entrees on all its transatlantic flights beginning June 1, 2008.
In keeping with its ongoing concerns for improving quality and providing its clients with the best possible service, Air Transat has made certain changes to its onboard meal service. In addition to serving more generous portions, the airline will also offer passengers in Economy Class on European flights two of the most popular President’s Choice entrees.
“This summer, Air Transat will once more offer over 60 direct connections between Canada and some 30 European cities. As befits Canada’s leading vacation airline, this represents more routes than any other airline. Our already exceptional onboard service will become even better as a result of this unique partnership with President’s Choice. This change only serves to confirm our determination to provide our clients with an outstanding experience,” said Allen B Graham, President and Chief Executive Officer, Air Transat.