Zitat von Trudy1 Point 3. Yes Canadians might consider Germans to be rude. A German tells you right in the face, what he thinks. Canadians don´t. They make appointments and don´t show up. That is rude.
I like your comment the best and I think you mentioned a very important point. Up to now, I have never been to Canada but I read a lot about Canadian culture and customs. According to my sources you are right in saying Germans tell you what they think and this is considered as unpolite by Canadians. This might be the reason why they think we are rude and arrogant. I'll come to Canada in June and I'll stay there for three months. Honestly, I'm a bit afraid of saying something which is very common to me but regarded as unpolite or rude due to the different cultures.
Actually, I think there are always people who don't seem to fit in a cultural society because they are regarded as strange or rude. I'm convinced that there are also Canadians who are considered as rude. But we are all humans like somebody already mentioned before, so it's ok to discuss about different customs a.s.o. but please let us be friendly to each other. Insulting other people or nations is not the best way to have a good conversation....
@cancan: I would be interested to know, why your wife does not want your children to grow up in Canada? Up to now I considered Canada to be a pretty good place for children to grow up in. If it's too personal, you can also send me a pm. Thanks.
Zitat von dirt riderok, this may appear a litle mean, but here goes: 1. Canada is NOT the wild west. You can't do what you want where yyou want. We have made progress since 1867....
2. German is spoken in canada, mainly by german immigrants who never learned to speak english - think of how a lot of you looked at ausländer in Germany that never learned to speak german. Now go look at yoursefl in a mirror.
3. a lot of Canadians consider germans to be loud, rude, overpaid, and arrogant. Do you want to strengthen that view or weaken it?
4. if germany was such a great place in comparison to canada, what the heck are ya doing here?
5. Things move a bit slower in canada than in Germany. that's because canadians are not proud of how stressed out they are. And we still get the job done.
6. Don't compare Canada to Germany. Don't. it doesn't apply. either you've made up your mind to immigrate and stay or not. Now be happy with your decision, dammit!
I guess you've never lived in Germany or you met the wrong people. There are always rude and arrogant people in EVERY country. Those 6 bullet points could apply to people of EVERY country. I'm not writing this because I'm German - I'm writing this because there are rude and polite people in this world despite their nationality. If I met you in Germany talking so rude about Germans, I'd think the same about Canadians because people tend to generalize.
Every time I'm abroad I try to be more "insightfully" to avoid leaving that kind of mark.
Hi, I’ve been living in Ireland for the last 3 years, I found after all this time Germans (when I come home on holidays/vacation) can appear to be loud and a bit rude! The irish mentality and the Canadian seem to be a bit similar…not always great, to be honest! First impression of Canadian employers: my girlfriend had a job interview in Halifax, we stayed in a BB for 2 days just to go to that interview, but the HR manager was not even in town…they forgot about us! So we had to re-schedule the interview and spend another 2 days in Halifax…in the end it was a complete waste of time…another story! But that’s just rude and unfair.. Besides that I found Canadians very very friendly people, I hope my impression will stay alive once I live and work there! Will see…
It is always easy to generalize and it is almost always certain that you will miss the country you grew up in when you live abroad.
Adapting and adjusting to a different culture is never easy and while talking to residents sometimes one forgets that they might take it personally when you tell them about what you miss, what you think is better in your "old" country because you already feel like you belong to the new one.
It's a rather common misunderstanding/ mistake for both immigrants and exchange students!
Generalizing when it comes to a people is rather close minded (no offence) because one nation does not have a certain personality trait. There are mean spirited people all over the globe.
Zitat von dirt rider 2. German is spoken in canada, mainly by german immigrants who never learned to speak english - think of how a lot of you looked at ausländer in Germany that never learned to speak german. Now go look at yoursefl in a mirror.
It's totally fine that some people still speak their native language. BUT it's only okay when they are alone. Everything else is rude. I don't like it either to sit in the metro and people are talking gibberish. If you move to a country and decide to stay there, the most important thing in my opinion is to be able to speak. Therefore every immigrant, no matter what country he comes from, should learn the language of the country he moves to. People who argue about that issue in Germany, but on the other hand move to Canda for example and can't speak or don't learn english, are just stupid. Do you really listen to people like that? I don't. Practice what you preach!
I know this is a bit of a necro but yeah I agree with that. It's common courtesy to at the very least learn the language of the country you want to spend the rest of your days in once you're there. Better yet if you already know it beforehand. Luckily I've been learning English in school since I was 8 so no problems there. I might not be perfect but hearing from native speakers that they wouldn't have known I wasn't a native speaker if I didn't tell them feels very good.