1. Canada is NOT the wild west. You can't do what you want where yyou want. We have made progress since 1867....
2. German is spoken in canada, mainly by german immigrants who never learned to speak english - think of how a lot of you looked at ausländer in Germany that never learned to speak german. Now go look at yoursefl in a mirror.
3. a lot of Canadians consider germans to be loud, rude, overpaid, and arrogant. Do you want to strengthen that view or weaken it?
4. if germany was such a great place in comparison to canada, what the heck are ya doing here?
5. Things move a bit slower in canada than in Germany. that's because canadians are not proud of how stressed out they are. And we still get the job done.
6. Don't compare Canada to Germany. Don't. it doesn't apply. either you've made up your mind to immigrate and stay or not. Now be happy with your decision, dammit!
If anybody wants to add to this list, then please do. If you have a problem with this list...then it's your problem now isn't it? Think of ways to reduce stress. I'm just providing my views of how I know Canada, and how I see germans thinking what they know canada is. There's some big differences. and maybe by getting them out into the open we can clear up misunderstandings before they get too serious.
Zitat von dirt riderok, this may appear a litle mean, but here goes:
1. Canada is NOT the wild west. You can't do what you want where yyou want. We have made progress since 1867....
2. German is spoken in canada, mainly by german immigrants who never learned to speak english - think of how you looked at ausländer in Germany that never learned to speak german. Now go look at yoursefl in a mirror.
3. a lot of Canadians consider germans to be loud, rude, overpaid, and arrogant. Do you want to strengthen that view or weaken it?
4. if germany was such a great place in comparison to canada, what the heck are ya doing here?
5. Things move a bit slower in canada than in Germany. that's because canadians are not proud of how stressed out they are. And we still get the job done.
6. Don't compare Canada to Germany. Don't. it doesn't apply. either you've made up your mind to immigrate and stay or not. Now be happy with your decision, dammit!
If anybody wants to add to this list, then please do. If you have a problem with this list...then it's your problem now isn't it? Think of ways to reduce stress. I'm just providing my views of how I know Canada, and how I see germans thinking what they know canada is. There's some big differences. and maybe by getting them out into the open we can clear up misunderstandings before they get too serious.
1. true
2. not true, it's spoken ONLY by German immigrants who never lesrned to speak english, or who decide to hang on to their native language
3. a lot of Canadians? Who? Source please..........
4. immigrating to another country has NOTHING to do with moving to a "better place"
5. who is proud of how stressed he is? Germans? Where does that come from? Source please........
6. true
I like your posting. Well, seems you have no idea what you are talking about, the only reason for you posting is to provoke. But that's fine, let's see what happens, people in this forum will take your 6 points apart in no time........
When two cultures meet, there always is a lot of potential for misunderstandings and wrong expectations.
After watching some of the German immigration TV shows, I totally understand how Canadians can come to the conclusion that Germans are loud, rude and arrogant. (Can't say much about the overpaid part ... I mean, who is paying them? What do expect a German worker in Canada to do? Say: "Oh please, pay me less, I am unworthy"?) Actually, whenever I go to a supermarket or a fair or any place where there are large amounts of people in one place, I come to the same conclusion: Germans are loud, rude and arrogant. It seems to be in our blood or something.
On the other hand, even an immigrant does not have to find everything in his new home country to be great, bright and glorious all the time. Hey! Don't tell me you find everything in your home country great, bright and glorious. There will always be things which annoy you and which get on your nerves. That's cool. The grass is always greener over the neighbors fence. And when someone leaves Germany, sometimes the grass will seem greener here in hindsight. Immigration does not take away your right to be homesick or unhappy from time to time.
ok, rebuttal time I guess... these are all my personal experiences that I've gathered over time, so obviously thy won't match up to everyone elses experiences.
I'm not going to say that Canada is the best country to live in. I believe the UN has already done that at least several times.
I basically wanted to bring a bit of a shock to the people in Germany that Canada is NOT what you think it is: some of it is better, some of it is worse. The only way you can find that out is to check it out yourself.
And yes, I've noticed that germans generally are proud of how much stress they have - where does this come from? Hearing conversations at work, on the train etc 'I just got diagnosed with burn-out' 'wow, you must be really imortant or something'....yeah...or something. When I first came to germany I couldn#t believe how much vacation people over here get + tons of statutory holidays...it's no wonder that everybody has to work like crazy to get the job done if you're only there 50% of the time.
ok ok, i tend to exaggerate a litle bit. As for the overpaid part - just about every german who's visited at my parents place complains about the quality of the american cars. 'ja, mein Benz ist aber viel besser'. In canada almsot no-one drives Mercedes - too expensive.
@dirt rider. You don`t know the germans and you don´t know Canadians. Take point 5. Germans like stress and Canadians are more relaxed. I think that´s a fairy tale. Canadians are slow and more relaxed because they don´t care. Trying is enough for them. Germans are not that relaxed because they always want to improve. Point 3. Yes Canadians might consider Germans to be rude. A German tells you right in the face, what he thinks. Canadians don´t. They make appointments and don´t show up. That is rude.
@trudy1: ok, I lived in Canada for the first 27 years of my life and in germany for the last 10 years....I think I know what I'm talking about.
I want to move back to the land of 'if it doesn't get done today, it'll maybe get done tomorrow' and leave all of the besser-wisser types behind me. Of course there's also know-it-alls in Canada- I probably count as one. But I don't care if that's a problem with you. That's YOUR problem, not mine.
I'm not anti-german. although it would be very easy for me to go in that direction.
PS: I'm a freelance contractor in germany. Yeah, a canadian - wow huh? and I've worked 10 years here as such. And I've not had any complaints about my work ethics(re:wasting time/being slow). The fact that I've survived 10 years in gemany with the economy the way it is must mean I've been soing something correctly.
I also realize that I'm a bit neurotic. I'm a canadian, yes, but also a german. Lately I realize that the canadian part is starting to show through. as a canadian, I gotta say: If you don't like the way we do things, then leave. I don't like the way hings are being fone in germany, so I'm leaving.
You don't like German's at all, all I read from you is against German's and, so you ARE anti-German. What the hell are you doing in that country for 10 years if you hate the people around you that much? You know, you post a thread in a German forum that you do not like Germans and that after your terrible ten years living in Germany you want to move back to wonderful Canada. That is like me walking with a '"I hate Canadians" poster through Ottawa.......let's see what happens.
This thread is useless, this is my last posting here, you better look for a different forum. By the way, my wife read your comments here (she is Canadian, lived 6 years in Germany), she just can't believe what you're saying and is very sorry for people like you.
@dirt rider, sorry to disapoint you, but I was born in Canada and therefore I have both nationalities. I leave my country when I want to and not when you suggest it to me.
If you want to come to Canada, fine - do so. either as a touist or immigrant you're all equally welcome.
Some canucks (me included) are rude, crude, and just not very nice. And some Germans are that way too. Go figure - I guess we do have something in common.
have a nice day.
PS: why should I better look for a different forum? Forums are about discussing things where not everybody has the same opinion, that's the whole point, isn't it?
PS: why should I better look for a different forum? Forums are about discussing things where not everybody has the same opinion, that's the whole point, isn't it?