“….Ich bin ebenso wie er immer wieder schockiert wie leichtsinnig und teilweise dumm die meisten Locals in Canada mit ihrer traumhaften Natur und somit mit ihrer Gesundheit umgehen….”Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Traumland Kanada Verfasst: Sa Dez 13, 2008 04:45 author: kraut
I’m new to this forum and kept reading through different “Beitrage” for the last days. While doing that I came across this one, which was closed. I would like to add something that might bring a different take on this issue. Coming from a background of Canadian born family members and family members who lived here for 60 years. I was born in Germany as were my children but went back and forth between both countries. We finally decided to live the rest of our lives in Canada more than a decade ago. By the way my kids made the decision THEY wanted to finally move to Canada for good. I believe that gives me a solid base of history and experience in Germany as well as in Canada. Having said that – it is kind of hurtful reading that Canadians are considered to be dumb by some of you. Not that I can’t see the point in this statement – but lets say … such an expression wouldn’t be consider very polite -especially not if you plan on making this country your homeland. Believe me – IT (the interest or better awareness of environmental responsibilities) was WAY worse just a few years ago. We are already billion steps ahead of what you could see 10 years ago. I think one has to understand that we are a young country in many ways especially when it comes to such things. Please do not forget that Non-First-Nation people populated our country not more than a few hundred years ago. My town just had its first centennial celebration a couple of years ago – founded by German settlers by the way – who didn’t think much of recycling or clean rivers either . We are years behind compare to overly populated European countries. But this is exactly why people in Europe are way ahead in eco matters - because of the problems with too many people and less and less resources. I take the liberty to say: Why don’t we leave our German arrogance in our closets and just use our experience and knowledge in eco matters as a head start and help and introduce better or different environmental ideas to the people we want to share “our” new homeland with? When my husband and I moved up North to run the business, we had to find out that a blue box or any kind of recycling was an absolute unknown thing to this area. Well, after the first disconcerted feeling we had the idea to work with our township to introduce and launch a recycling system – which now is successfully in place for about 3 years. To sum my little statement up in one simple sentence: Let us be constructive and helpful instead of criticising and hurtful. I just assume at the end of the day we all have one goal in common …… that is making our lives more liveable, healthy and enjoyable for us and generations to come – no matter in which country we live…
welcome in this forum. I agree with your posting, thank's for your comments. I disputed the statement you mentioned, the author has left the forum a few days ago. Due to a fight the thread was closed, but not all was said anyways.
Now one comment just from me: The author did NOT represent the users in this forum, maybe some, but for sure not the majoroty. Do not get a wrong impression freading postings like that.
Thanks for the welcome, Jan. Talking about preconception – I try to stay away from it as far as possible ….not that it is easy at all times, but I would say I’m not too bad either. The first time I visited Germany was 8 years after we moved to Canada. I had some kind of a culture shock I have to admit – wanted to buy all the things I couldn’t find here – for example grey recycling paper. Many “Bioladen” had closed their door. So there was an indication that the environmental friendly based business wasn’t too successful after all. That was a disappointment to me – more than you could imagine. Many of my friends asked me if I was glad to be “back home” and that I must have been awfully homesick at times. Honestly – never did I experience one moment of homesickness never mind regret …. I always felt more at home here in Canada than I ever did in Germany. All the changes after these 8 years made it just easier to find an excuse not to fly back to see friends. But owning a motel business made it just easier for all our friends to show up at our door steps so no shortcoming there But I guess I got somewhat carried away ….. so how is the environmental attitude these days in Germany…????
Neither I am represented by the above-mentioned citation.
There is still a lot to do for the environment. Canada too has to assume its duty. While it is frustrating to see a government still struggling to really address this issue I do see efforts on an individual level. I wish the eco awareness develops quicker but it is my belief it is growing. I think there is hope and Canada will become increasingly more environmentally friendly.
When I left Germany this year in March they where recycling like crazy. I think it is a good thing, but on the other side the germans just overdid it. 3 Garbage bins (Yellow green and brown) in different sizes and and and...i thought that is far to much. Especially in the beginning when the garbage bins to separate the waste where given to the people, but the garbage trucks where not able to handle different bins and separate waste, so in the end all the recycled garbage was put in ONE truck. I found that funny.
And here, oh well we will find our way thats suits us in Canada.
Just somebody here as well need to discover how much money you actually can make with waste recycling. I dont have enough money to establish the "green dot" for Canada and never underestimate the facts of life here. Population and seize of the country. So the parameters are a bit different here.
Hi Tomaha “While it is frustrating to see a government still struggling to really address this issue I do see efforts on an individual level.”Even though the government is not as fast as we wish it would be – you are right we saw so much progress in the last years that it made me so happy and renewed my hope for a chance to save our earth before it goes down the drain. I’m usually a hopeless optimist.
Hi Dieter “Just somebody here as well need to discover how much money you actually can make with waste recycling. “ I just heard a story on the news about volunteers of a Re-Store project who collect pop cans (aluminium) to sell them to a recycling company to make some money. They were talking about a down on payment of a pound of aluminium. Before they got something around $ 0.80 and now they just get some $ 0.20. So it doesn’t look to rosy in that area either – those people were devastated because it is a big income loss for their organization.
ZitatI just assume at the end of the day we all have one goal in common …… that is making our lives more liveable, healthy and enjoyable for us and generations to come – no matter in which country we live…
ZitatHi momo08,
welcome in this forum. I agree with your posting, thank's for your comments. I disputed the statement you mentioned, the author has left the forum a few days ago. Due to a fight the thread was closed, but not all was said anyways.
Now one comment just from me: The author did NOT represent the users in this forum, maybe some, but for sure not the majoroty. Do not get a wrong impression freading postings like that.
welcome to our forum! I hope you don't see all Germans as the same (being arrogant I mean), this is certainly not the case. There's always a few who think they are smarter than others. I agree with your posting(s). I've lived here for almost 14 years now and our township has had a recycling program in place for 10 years. We live out in the country on a farm, the garbage truck comes to pick up the bins every other week. So that's good. The cashiers in our local grocery store were a bit surprised at first when they saw me shopping with a box or my wicker basket. At first they thought they were supposed to put my groceries in plastic bags and then put them into my basket. Now a lot more people bring bags to put their groceries in. So it's coming, but as you said, it takes time.
“I hope you don't see all Germans as the same (being arrogant I mean), this is certainly not the case. There's always a few who think they are smarter than others.”
Well – I believe that all Germans are as arrogant as Canadians are dumb……. So I guess you figured that it was a provocative statement to shake people up and maybe even rethink their position.
Reading about your experience with plastic grocery bags – I really thought it was funny because we experienced the same. For our first 5 years in Canada we lived and worked in a small town down south. There were 2 grocery stores and no matter how often we went we always brought our little green/black foldable plastic boxes (back from Germany). Sometimes the guys were faster to grab a bag to shuffle our stuff already in there. I had to politely take it out of there and started helping putting it into my boxes, while doing so I explained very politely that we don’t like all the plastic bags because of all the waist it produces. Believe me – they looked at us like we were aliens from another planet and I sometimes could detect them being offended by our actions. After awhile I just started making fun of myself by telling them > here I am again - the crazy German who hates the plastic bags but loves the plastic box …… I’m so thrilled that nowadays most store employees ask you – bag or box ? I think that is wonderful – it makes me happy to see progress ….any progress is great . One step at the time.
Dear momo08, Welcome to the forum! I was in Canada several times in the past and everytime when I was there I saw the development of recyclement.I was better from time to time. Canada is on a good way. In Germany it isn´t often not so good as it is so called. So it makes me very angry, when I read in the papers or see on TV, that all the garbage from the yellow bin (things to recycle) and the restwaste in the black bin will be come together again, to burn. We separate it and it comes together again. Sometimes I think, the yellow wastebin is only there , to get more money for it-we have to pay for it. MG Beate
Hi Beate And thanks for the welcome. Yes, friends of mine back in Germany told me about that “phenomenon” that the public has to wash and divide - and at the end the garbage companies just dump it all in one spot. I would call that frustrating. What a waist of energy and resources.
Your avatar ……. am I seeing that right? Is that Mr. Heinz Erhard that comedian ? So cute
First I like to clarfy that I didnt call most Canadiens dumb or stupid. If you write in your topic "die meisten locals sind dumm?" and you refer to my post .. well lets say this is not correct and a bit unfair. But still if you are offended by my post, I of course apologize.
I did not refer to garbage bins or whatever.
With my post I refered to a quite common statement that even heavy duty polution like mercury is nothing really serious cuz the country is so big it doesnt matter what you spill into the rivers .. they all go North anyway ... and I am sorry if someone thinks like that ... doesnt matter if he is German, Russian or Canadien ... this is stupid. If you think this a typical arrogant German attitude from me .. well then. For me I dont care which Passport they have .. if someone acts stupid I call him stupid. I dont think in nationalities.
.. if someone acts stupid I call him stupid..... Well, if that is your choice of communication style - I guess there is not much left to say except - good luck in Canada.
Have a wonderful fun filled day. And happy Holidays from Canada!!
Off topic @Momo: Thats something I learned from my canadian fiancée, she is nice to people she can't stand at all. I can't do that for long. How do the Canadians do that? If I don't like someone at all I have to show him sooner or later...
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