Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre says he wants bars to stay open until at least 6 a.m., and he's considering a pilot project to try it out.
Currently, last call is at 3 a.m.
The mayor said today he was impressed by how Montrealers behaved during last week’s all-night event Nuit Blanche and said the city is ready to go all night.
"I believe the time has come to start with a pilot project," Coderre said.
"The reason is pretty simple, and it’s also a matter of security," he said. "When we close the bars at 3 a.m., everybody is getting out into the street at the same time. And then you have some people fighting, you have some security problems, and of course you have the noise that comes with it."
Montrealers latched onto the news almost immediately, posting fervently to social media platforms in Support
was meint ihr?
Bonne chance maxim
Was kümmert mich ...die sich an der Eiche kratzen.
Wozu? Das man noch mehr Zeit hat um zu saufen? Damit man dann von der Bar aus gleich zur Arbeit torkeln kann?.... Ich für mein Teil brauche keine längeren Öffnungszeiten, vor allem nicht bis um 6 Uhr morgens.... Nun gut, ich wohne auch nicht in Montreal*gg*