Weeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllll, sorry to say that but as usually it is so easy for everyone to complain about our government but so hard for everyone to do something about it. Statistics say less and less people vote yet everyone seems to have the right recipe on hand..just behind closed doors that is. Where no one else can see or hear him. I am quite sick of it to be frank.
However, I agree that for a change it would be rather nice to get the feeling and vibe of a new country to live in. It´s not like I would want to leave Germany for good, meaning forever and ever. A couple of years should do the trick. Once I have children I plan to go back home. I value our school system, so often condemned through PISA and all the other over-rated studies.
My reason for wanting to leave home is... I came to a dead end here. My batteries are empty and re-charging needs a fresh start somewhere else. I used to live in Detroit and in New Orleans but I´ve never been to Canada for longer than an extended vacation stay so I thought I´d give it a try. Plus I am a little desperate to get away from the "everything is bad here"-thinking that seems to grow itself a tradition here. I hate it and I can´t seem to convince people that it is what you make out of it that counts not vice versa. So leaving the country is rather a very personal not political decision.
My 5cents to the topic. I didn´t mean to offend anyone so please forgive me if that were the case.