maybe this question has alredy been asked and asnwered, but I'll ask again:
why are so many leaving germany?
ok, I'll go first. I don't see a future here for myself or my family. I've been freelancing for the last 10 years here, and it's like running on a treadmill that just keeps getting faster and faster and I'm going nowhere and getting exhausted. I don't want to burn myself out so i can buy a house where I can spit across my lot and hit the house next to me. I need room to breathe. everything here is about short term profit 'lets outsource everything to eastern europe where it's cheaper' so that the top managers can earn even more money, at a time when no normal person can rationalize what the top managers get paid for. Ok, I don't see canada as perfect (I am a canadian actually), but i do see that canada is doing a lot of things better than germany (for eyample the education system- get people through fast and get them productive somebody has to pay for the 'fachidioten' that burn away their most productive years in school and proudly pronounce at the age of 33 : HEY I JUST GOT MY FIRST JOB. well I'd really hope so sunshine I had my first professional job at the age of 19 (ABI+systems analyst diploma). sorry about the ranting but I've really had more than enough of Germany.I'm going back to Canada in june with my wife and kids. I'm hoping that they will have a better future than what's availble here.
whew...that felt good to rant...anybody else need to let out a bit of steam?
I have just two questions: You are going to leave Germany in June right? So how long have you been in Germany then? I think you're right in nearly all matters but I don't know the differences between Germany and Canada in detail so I don't want to judge this topic. But in the last few years there were many Germans who imigrated to another country. I mean you just have to switch on TV and there are lots of TV-Shows that deal with Germans who leave their home country. And this is the answer to our economy, politics and so on. But be that as it may, I think I still have to make my own experiences until I have my own opinion.
Actually, i don't care how many peoples leave germany.
I leave because everything is about money, social security ,beeing perfect and successful.
For the first view it seems like ok and rationally.
But from my point of view it caused a huge imbalance in overall life quality and influenced the german society in a bad way. Like beeing enviousness and so on.
I don't see any companionship in this society it's all about me, me and again me.
Many germans are nice and kind,but it's not a buddy like nice. And often not heartly enough ,it's just beeing not disrespectful.
One of the big reasons why I'm leaving is that I have a degenerative neurological disease (a brain tumor). it is only a question of when I won't be able to work any longer. And when I'm unable to work, even with two or more jobs my wife would not be able to support the family. This is not the case in canada. in canada we already have a piece of land and enough money to build a small house. Once that's done, all we have to pay for is the monthly expenses (power, gas, insurance)...and we can afford to do that. I realize that I can get better medical attention here in germany, but only if I can afford it (which won't be the case if I'm unable to work). I want quality of life for the time which I have left (which could be anywhere from less than 1 year to more than 30 years. If I was healthy I would probably go back anyways. One of my passions is enduro and/or motocross riding which I can do in my back yard in canada.
Well, what can I say... First of all, I'm very sorry to hear about your disease and I think you have the best reasons to go back and stay in Canada. Concerning the medical attendance I'm not quite sure: I always thought that the North Americans belong to the best in the world who are able to do very complicate operations and so on. But ok, I'm no expert so I don't really know. To keep things short: I wish you all the best for your time in Canada and that you keep fit for as long as possible.
For me it is the call of the wild. Germany is just too crowded for my taste. Even though Germany does have some very beautiful landscapes, there is not a single patch of land that has not been formed by humans. It is very hard to find a place where you cannot hear an Autobahn. Everything seems to be fenced in.
I seriously believe that modern civilisation as we know it will crash in the next 5 to 15 years when we run out of cheap oil. And I want to be in a place where I can sustain myself, when that happens.
Capella, just in case you did not know- just because land is not fenced in does not means that you can simply ignore the rules and trespass. Much land is privately onwed, and there is no requirement for 'NO TRESPASSING' signs to be put up. If it's not your land, or government land, you have NO right to be on it (even if there is no fence). That would be the same as saying 'oh look,such a nice house - the door's not locked, let's have a look inside' That would be unthinkable though , wouldn't it. Please dDon't trespass on private land, especially during hunting season, because unfortunate accidents are known to happen. Look, I'm not trying to be antisocial here, but I will not discrimiate if you or any other german or any other person trespasses on my property - I can throw all of you about the same distance. If you want to go on land that is privately owned, then ask. if you ask nicely, most people are more than willing to allow it. just my $0.02. oh, I can't wait to see what kind of replies come out of this posting.
ps: stell dir vor - es gibt auch paragraph-kenner in Kanada - Criminal code of Canada Section 41:Every one who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling-house or real property, and every one lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority, is justified in using force to prevent any person from trespassing on the dwelling-house or real property, or to remove a trespasser therefrom, if he uses no more force than is necessary. hiesst in klartext - wenn einer sagt das ihr nicht wilkommen sind, dan geh doch ruhig. bitte. Sonst kann es sein das gewalt angewendet wird. Und das wäre schade. Oder wie sieht ihr das?
The reply you get from me is that I agree with you.
The farm we owned was only partially fenced in and it was just amazing that people thought they could just use the land and leave their trash behind... And yes, if you ask for permission to go onto the land then I was the last one to say no.
about the only place left to buy affordable large packages of land is probably in the high country in BC.
I think we should start a 'debunking the myths of Canada' thread - because I get the impression that a lot of germans seem to think that canada hasn't changed much since the 1850's. 1. you're going to have to live close to a larger city if you want to find a job. Land is expensive around the bigger cities (unless we're talking about saskatchewan or maybe manitoba and who wants to live there?) 2. Most of the 'wide open spaces' are already owned by somebody other than you. Or they are 'crown land' and not for sale. 3. First Go on vacation in canada and try to talk to the locals about your ideas. after they finish laughing, ask them what the think might be realistic.
I'd like to clear up the misconceptions a few people here seem to have, so that when/if they go to canada it will be a positive experience (not only for them, also for the canadians). Let's make this a win-win thing.
Actually, I would not consider relocating to a Canadian city. To me, cities are more or less the same all over the world, so why should I move to a foreign country? (I am not saying Canadian cities are bad. On the contrary, I just loved Vancouver, for example, it is just that cities are not for me)
I did travel through BC for a month (okay, I agree that this is not much, I will go for another month this year) and I met and stayed with many people living in remote places in a way like I would like to live. None of them laughed at the idea of homesteading somewhere.
I am a software developer and can also do some webdesign, so as long as I have a telephone line or any other form of internet connection, I am able to telecommute and earn some money which makes me quite independend. I also write (and sometimes even sell) novels and short stories, another occupation which I can do virtually everywhere. So I don't need a city nearby to find work. What I do need is a shop/supermarket and a filling station in reasonalbe driving distance (< 2 hrs), but even in the remoter parts of BC you normally have that.
Zitat von toronto07 However I don't want to lecture you on that one, since almost everybody in Germany sees his/her dreams coming true in CA, and whatever advise I can give guys like you, you just don't take it seriously, and know everything better -- now that is typical for Germans: they know everything better!!
Yeah right,the master answer for everything.
Always blaming someone else or a whole country for whatever. Don't you think thats a bit poor?
How about ,everyone for his self is in charge and not his country?
Maybe it's a question of character? What would it mean? Stop seeking for weakness and instead finding strength properties of people.
Then you able to understand individuals and other cultures.
I don't think that#s poor - I think you just confirmed the statement above:
now that is typical for Germans: they know everything better!!
her'es a little thought for the day.
would you rather be right, or be happy?
I know I'd rather be happy.
" people here don't really care about software or nice web pages" not entirely true. Quality software is important in Canada, too. There's just not the volume of business there that there is in Germany. Canadians are generally a self-reliant bunch, and with technology, most of us would rather not have to depend on it, because Murphy was an optimist.
@jackaroo: lighten up already....who peed in your conflakes?
Now I know, you are truly canadian. How can it make anybody happy telling wrong stuff. The snow is green. Yeah, the snow is green and now let´s be happy. Don´t tell people your real opinion, it could make them unhappy. Yep, always be gentle and share share share.
you know what, I really don't care if my opinions make other people unhappy. I do know that if enough people complain about me here that I'll be banned. Then again, if that's the price that I have to pay for not wanting to join you mutual admiration society here, so be it.
the snow is green? wow things really have changed since I left canada.
For those of you who don't know murphy, specifically murphy's law: if something can go wrong, it will.