....Workers had already called the RCMP and reported a large cat was in the building. Also on the scene were Parks Canada wardens. Rob Bastone, one of the workers, said a colleague had seen the animal on the second floor. Armed with hammers and other implements, Bastone said he and his colleagues walked down the second-floor hall, through a room and onto a balcony. When he looked through the window of an adjacent room, Bastone said he came face-to-face with the cougar. The animal, he added, ran at the window, bounced backwards and then lay down the floor, tucking its ears back, growling and showing its teeth. Bastone said he figures the cougar was scared and was just trying to escape. “It was exhilarating,” said Bastone. “Very exciting.” Bastone said along the second floor he could smell the animal, which then retreated to another room. Tyre said when he found the animal it was backed into the bathroom. In an attempt to get the cougar to leave the bathroom, Tyre said he released an air horn, banged on the walls, and let off a bear banger. The cougar didn’t leave. “He was just scared, disoriented.” Tyre said he then shot the animal with a tranquilizer dart. The animal was relocated Monday morning.
im Algonquin Park habt ihr es nur mit Schwarzbaeren zu tun, und die werden von euch fernbleiben. Mensch und Baer treffen nur zufaellig aufeinander, du gehst den Weg nach Norden, er nach Sueden, ihr trefft euch an einem Eck. Meistens (fast immer) dreht der Baer ab und rennt weg. Hat er cups (junge) dabei, kann es brenzlig werden. Die Regel ist "gross machen und laut werden", also die Arme heben (evtl mit einer Jacke dazwischen, moeglichst viel Flaeche zeigen) und schreien. Das sollte reichen. Wenn nicht ist Baer-Spray ein wirksames Mittel, haben wir im Busch immer dabei! Wegrennen ist in der Tat sinnlos, der Baer wird folgen und kann alles besser als man selbst (rennen, klettern, schwimmen). Beim camping das Essen in einen Beutel und an einem Baum hochziehen, wenn man ueber dem Feuer gegrillt hat die Glut abdecken. Besonders grease (Fett) hat es ihnen angetan. lockt sie ueber grosse Distanzen an. Darum gehen Baeren, wenn sie in einen Garten kommern, immer an den Grill. Die Schale mit dem Fett.........
....Workers had already called the RCMP and reported a large cat was in the building. Also on the scene were Parks Canada wardens. Rob Bastone, one of the workers, said a colleague had seen the animal on the second floor. Armed with hammers and other implements, Bastone said he and his colleagues walked down the second-floor hall, through a room and onto a balcony. When he looked through the window of an adjacent room, Bastone said he came face-to-face with the cougar. The animal, he added, ran at the window, bounced backwards and then lay down the floor, tucking its ears back, growling and showing its teeth. Bastone said he figures the cougar was scared and was just trying to escape. “It was exhilarating,” said Bastone. “Very exciting.” Bastone said along the second floor he could smell the animal, which then retreated to another room. Tyre said when he found the animal it was backed into the bathroom. In an attempt to get the cougar to leave the bathroom, Tyre said he released an air horn, banged on the walls, and let off a bear banger. The cougar didn’t leave. “He was just scared, disoriented.” Tyre said he then shot the animal with a tranquilizer dart. The animal was relocated Monday morning.
im Algonquin Park habt ihr es nur mit Schwarzbaeren zu tun, und die werden von euch fernbleiben. Mensch und Baer treffen nur zufaellig aufeinander, du gehst den Weg nach Norden, er nach Sueden, ihr trefft euch an einem Eck. Meistens (fast immer) dreht der Baer ab und rennt weg. Hat er cups (junge) dabei, kann es brenzlig werden. Die Regel ist "gross machen und laut werden", also die Arme heben (evtl mit einer Jacke dazwischen, moeglichst viel Flaeche zeigen) und schreien. Das sollte reichen. Wenn nicht ist Baer-Spray ein wirksames Mittel, haben wir im Busch immer dabei! Wegrennen ist in der Tat sinnlos, der Baer wird folgen und kann alles besser als man selbst (rennen, klettern, schwimmen). Beim camping das Essen in einen Beutel und an einem Baum hochziehen, wenn man ueber dem Feuer gegrillt hat die Glut abdecken. Besonders grease (Fett) hat es ihnen angetan. lockt sie ueber grosse Distanzen an. Darum gehen Baeren, wenn sie in einen Garten kommern, immer an den Grill. Die Schale mit dem Fett.........
Ja Danke! Wir hatten glücklicherweise in Algonquin keine Begegnung mit dem Bär und hoffen auch dass es so bleibt. Obwohl es auf großen Distanz schon mal schon wäre einen zu sehen. Dafür sahen wir einige Elche mit und ohne Nachwuchs - es war sehr schön -. Für Leute die in Ontario Urlaub machen, kann ich diesen Park wärmstens empfehlen.
COQUITLAM, B.C. - Neighbours pelted rocks at a black bear as it attacked a screaming woman in her own suburban driveway Wednesday, possibly because the animal regarded her as its next meal.
"There were people who were driving by and stopped and were throwing rocks to get the bear off of her," said Sabrina Susin, a neighbour who was among those who rushed to the woman's aid.
"But the bear was still there, so they were still throwing rocks but it wouldn't go away."
One neighbour wielded a broom.
Susin said the victim was still conscious and lucid after the attack.
"She knew what was happening. When it started coming at her again, she got up."
After a two-or three-minute struggle, the bear went behind the house where it was later shot and killed by police officers.
The woman, who hasn't been identified, was rushed to hospital Wednesday morning after the 250-pound black bear confronted her while she was gardening in her yard just east of Vancouver.
She is in stable condition with serious injuries on her arms and head and with bite marks all over her body, police said.
Rick Hahn, of the B.C. Conservation Officer Service, said the area, which borders mountains and deep forest, is a natural hot spot for bears.
"It's normal bear habitat. And the problem with that residential area is that there's a lot of people who don't store their garbage properly. It draws in the bears from their natural habitat and it puts people at risk."
Hahn said the fact the woman turned and ran after seeing the bear may have prompted the attack.
"But if she faced it and stood there, that's probably a more preventive action to take."
Next-door neighbour Amy Lo said she was still asleep when she heard screams from outside the window of her second-floor bedroom.
"I looked out the window and I saw a bear on top of her," said Lo, 17. "I'm shocked. I've never seen a bear actually attacking before. Usually you just hear (of bears) in your garbage. (They) make a mess and then leave."
Hahn said attacks are extremely rare but this encounter was likely predatory - meaning the bear considered the woman to be a food source.
Cpl. Tony Farahbakhchian of the Coquitlam RCMP called the attack an isolated incident.
"Usually they're quite shy animals and if you make some noise they walk away. In a situation like that, I have no idea what took place," he said.
Conservation officers will examine the bear's carcass to try and determine what caused the attack, Farahbakhchian said.
Tony Arcari, who lives up the street from the victim, said it's not unusual to see bears in the neighbourhood.
"We haven't had any confrontations, but we do get them in the yard often, basically, eating plums off plum trees or berries out of the garden. Then they jump the fence and disappear into the forest."
Teresa Daum said she heard the screams and was about to call police when RCMP arrived.
She said she didn't see the attack, but agreed bears are common in the area, with many backyards opening up onto the woods.
Stimmt, der Baer macht nichts! Wenn es sich um einen normalen, gesunden Schwarzbaeren handelt wird er sofort abdrehen. Wie gesagt, wenn cups dabei sind kann es natuerlich anders aussehen. Gesund? Weil verletzte Baeren agressiv sein koennen. Liest man von Baer-attacks wie in dem Artikel den Du gepostet hast, handelt es sich um sogenannte Predators. Die greifen auch ohne Grund an. Sind aber nicht sehr haeufig, also schon sehr unwahrscheinlich einem zu begegnen.
Noch was zum Thema: Blaubaeren sind dieses Jahr hervorragend! Durch den vielen Regen sind sie schoen gross und suess!
Sog Predators haben möglicherweise sehr schlechte Erfahrung mit Menschen gemacht.Nichts desto Trotz gehören und werden auch Abgeschossen denn die Gefahr für Menschen ist zu groß.Bei meinem Urlaub hatten wir zwei Grizzlys die Hundefutter gefunden hatten und wir sie verjagd hatten.Diese Beiden haben bei einem Nachbarn meines Freundes einen Motorschlitten aus purem Frust zerstört,was sehr selten passiert.Es waren noch sehr unerfahrene Jungbären.Würde mann da brutal vorgehen und die Bären assoziierten daß mit dem Menschen so könnte so ein Predator herauskommen.
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Men kill bear after B.C. fisherman mauled on boat David Carrigg and Cassidy Olivier, Canwest News Service Published: Thursday, September 11, 2008
A fisherman attacked by a black bear in his boat was recovering in hospital Wednesday night.
"The bear wanted him, he was going to eat him," said Bruce Miller, 40, who helped kill the bear. "The bear needed protein and this guy was it."
Miller was on his boat in Port Renfrew, about 100 kilometres northwest of Victoria on Tuesday evening, when he saw the bear run up an adjacent jetty after swimming across the Jordan River and jump into 52-year-old Blain Pharis's boat.
The bear ignored the coho salmon Pharis threw toward him and instead jumped the man. Miller heard Pharis screaming, picked up his metre-long spiked gaff and dashed toward him.
"He was pinned on the floor, the bear had a good hold of him and was biting and shaking him," Miller said. "I figured he was dead in seconds."
Miller sunk his gaff, with its five-inch spike, into the bear's neck.
"It went right in and the bear still wouldn't let go."
Miller, a Victoria fishing guide, kept sinking the gaff into the bear's neck until another fisherman showed up with a gaff and joined in the fight.
But the bear kept hold of Pharis's shoulder. Two other men showed up armed with a knife and a hammer.
"This bear was getting hit between the eyes with the hammer and it didn't flinch," Miller said.
A fifth man with a fishing knife began stabbing the bear. But Miller said, the bear "didn't let go until he was dead."
Pharis was able to walk off the boat and waited until an ambulance arrived 25 minutes later.
Pharis's friend Leslie Cheeseman said Pharis is doing "remarkably well" in Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria.
The attack left "lots of puncture wounds" on his body, but "he is doing really good."
Mein Nachbar (!) hatte letzten Samstag einen auf seinem Deck. Die Canadier haben ja brandaktuell die Muelltrennung entdeckt, und hier in Ontario macht der Fortschritt keinen halt, es gibt jetzt Bio-Tonnen. Kleine Gruene Tonne um die Essensreste reinzuschmeissen, wird 1 mal im Monat (!) geleert. Ist super durchdacht, mein Nachbar hat das Ding gleich ausprobiert und lockte damit einen Schwarzbaer in der ersten Nacht auf sein Deck. Dazu muss man sagen dass dieses Deck erhoeht ist, mann muss 2 Meter Stufen steigen um da hoch zu kommen. Der Baer hat sich wirklich Muehe gegeben die brandneue Gruene Tonne zu erreichen, um sie dann zu demolieren. Da er eh da oben war hat er noch gleich den BBQ (300 dollar) im 8 Meter-Bogen vom Deck katapultiert.
Meine Gruene Tonne wird daher unbeutzt bleiben.....
Da hast ein Beispiel daß die Bären nicht Schuld sind sondern nur der dumme Mensch.Nur eines muß auch klar gesagt werden wenn ein Bär einen Menschen anfällt so wie zuletzt einen Fischer so ist dieser Bär eine absolute Gefahr,insbesondere für Kinder und gehört erlegt!
Stimmt wohl. Wobei ich schon auf den Baer schiessen wuerde wenn er nur auf meinem Deck ist. Das ist mir schon zu nah, wenn der sich gegen die Tuer lehnt ist er im Haus, soweit lasse ich es nicht kommen. Habe mal meine Nachbarn gefragt wie die Rechtslage denn waere, und in der Tat darf man auf den Baer schiessen wenn er evtl. ins Haus kommen wuerde, sprich wenn er sich nur direkt vor der Tuer aufhaelt. Ich will hier nicht dazu aufrufen wild auf Baeren zu schiessen, aber einen Schwarzbaer auf dem Deck ist kein Spass mehr, denn dieses Tier hat offensichtlich keine Scheu vor Menschen.
Attacked Green Lake man kills bear with stick Published: October 06, 2008 4:45 PM
Walking softly in bear territory may not be a good idea, but carrying a big stick certainly is -- when you're as brave as Jim West, that is.
West was out walking alone with his dogs in the forest behind the gymkhana grounds near Green Lake early Saturday afternoon when he was attacked by a black bear.
"I was looking for moose signs because my stepson has a limited entry tag," he said in an interview shortly after the incident.
As they strolled along facing into the wind, West was calling out to his black labs, Shadow and Chopper, who were happily flushing grouse and wagging their tails.
"All of a sudden I heard a kind of a huff and a growl off to my right, and when I turned around there was a bear six feet away. I had no opportunity to hit the ground like I should, so I just started to kick it in the face. It jumped up and took a snap at my face, split my upper lip, and then I hit the ground, and it jumped on top of me, tore my scalp and bit my left arm."
At this point the dogs came back and managed to distract the bear, so it proceeded to go after them. As soon as West moved, the bear attacked him again, putting him back on the ground a second time, and cutting his right arm. Then the dogs intervened again and West heard one of them yelp.
"I just jumped up and grabbed a stick, and the bear turned around and came running right at me and I hit it once; it started to shake its head, and I just kept swinging like it was a sledgehammer and I ended up crushing it's skull."
Once the conservation officer who attended the scene had confirmed the bear was indeed dead from blows to the head, he told West that he believed no one had ever done this before.
"I don't know why, it was the easiest thing in the world to do -- when you have a choice of either living or dying. I felt that I'd been on the ground twice and, if I went down a third time, I wouldn't get up. I wasn't gonna go down, so I just starting swinging."
Once West observed blood running from the bear's nose, he knew the job was done and the bear was dead or dying, so he dropped the stick and told his dogs it was time to go. After walking at least a kilometre back to his truck with his shirt wrapped around his head to stem the bleeding, West then drove himself and his dogs to nearby Little Horse Lodge, arriving at around 2 p.m.
"Jim came in and said 'I just got attacked by a bear, so call 9-1-1,'" said Ellie Scott of Little Horse Lodge. "I helped with First Aid, and to patch him up and calm him down -- he was in shock."
Luckily, although his home is in the area, West remained rational enough to stop at the lodge, in case emergency personnel had trouble finding his place.
The conservation officers attending the scene went out immediately to search for the bear and subsequently found two cubs as well, which were put down. The conservation officers' Predator Attack Team will be investigating the incident, including a necropsy (animal autopsy) to be performed on the sow within the next couple of weeks.
Ambulance and First Responders arrived approximately half hour after the 9-1-1 call and transported West to hospital, where he received 60 stitches to his scalp, face, left arm (in three places), right arm and lip.
"I haven't been able to find any injuries on my dogs. I think one of them may have been cuffed with a paw, so I'm going to check them out again later -- right now they are pretty excited to see me," said West on Sunday, just shortly after returning home from picking up his large Labs, who were looked after by Scott and her family at the lodge while he was in hospital.
The conservation officer told him he was very lucky to have survived such an attack.
"In that sort of situation, you only one choice -- it's live or die." said West. "Most people are too scared to think about living."
West doesn't think of himself as overly tough, however, and maintains the belief that for anyone placed in that situation, "it's just a matter of whether you want to live or not."
It also doesn't hurt, though, to have strength, courage -- and carry a big stick.
Der hat m.E. intuitiv alles richtig gemacht...bis auf: Er hätte ein Glöckchen oder etwas ähnliches bei sich haben sollen, damit der Bär Beizeiten einen anderen Weg einschlagen hätte können. Hinterher ist jeder schlauer.
Ich hätte mir den Genuß des ruhigen Spaziergangs auch nicht gerne mit einer "Kuhglocke" um den Hals vermiest.
Es gibt ja noch Bärenspray, daß man immer Griffbereit bei sich haben kann, oder z.B eine .45er (Magnum), die ist aber schwer zu schleppen.