Money For Nothing von den Dire Straits aus den 80er Jahren soll nun vom kanadischen Broadcast Council aufgrund der "Fa...ot"-Worte zensiert werden, die dreimal in der etwa acht Minuten voller Songlänge verwendet werden.
ZitatCRTC asks the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council to review decision to ban Dire Straits song
OTTAWA-GATINEAU, January 21, 2011 — The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission today wrote to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) asking it to review its determination that the unedited version of the song “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits was inappropriate for Canadian radio. On January 12, 2011, the CBSC’s Atlantic Regional Panel found that the use of a derogatory word in the song breached broadcast codes.
The CBSC’s decision has elicited a strong public reaction and created uncertainty for private radio stations across the country. The Commission has received over 250 letters from Canadians, most of which questioned the decision. These letters have been forwarded to the CBSC.
Given the exceptional nature of this situation, the Commission has asked the CBSC to appoint a panel with a national composition to review the complaints regarding the Dire Straits’ song as well as its original decision.
The Commission expects that the council will seek further comments from the public on the matter. Furthermore, the CBSC should take into consideration all relevant factors, including:
* the context of the particular wording in the song’s theme and intended message * the age and origin of the song and the performance date * the prominence of the contested word and the use of that word over time, and * the length of time and frequency that it has been playing on the radio.
Established in 1990 by private broadcasters, the CBSC is a self-regulatory body that administers codes on ethics, equitable portrayal, television violence and journalistic independence.
Ohhhhhhhhh... those " ever so sensitive canadian ears".
What a bunch of f#^^!g B.S. that is! Da aerger ich mich schon drueber seitdem ich diesen bloedsinn das erste mal gehoert habe. Just because one "SWEEHEART" doesn't like this. B.S. !!!!
Ebenso ein -politically right- B.S. wie die verhuntzung des Buches "Tom Sawyer&Huck Finn" by Mark Twain.
Really... ???? REALLY ????????
What will be next? Und warum kann C..., B...., H.., M......-F..... und dergleichen (ganz besonders in RAP beliebt) bleiben. Wo ist da der unterschied?
I love music und mein Geschmack ist da seeehr vielfältig
Also viele Sachen so 50er bis 90er Jahre, from classic to opera and grunge and rap and ... quite extreme opposites Hab mal für Hip Hop Labels und später als Jazz DJ gearbeitet, höre bei der Arbeit am PC aber auch gerne mal House, Lounge, ... Von allem etwas, nur wenig Volksmusik/Country sorry
mancher von Euch kennt ihn und seine "Captain Kennedy"-Version für mich besser als das Original oder "Down in the easy chair!" Einer meiner Lieblingssänger aus Canada.
Zitat"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page"
"This one's for you, Austin. You're a good friend, rest in peace," Keegan "K-Mak" Moore began in his latest rap, written for one of his closest friends who recently lost his life in a car accident....
"All the good times we had, yeah I remember these, you're leaving everyone with all the best memories," Moore says in his song, titled RIP Austin.
This is why, shortly after his death on Thursday, (February 10, 2011) of last week, Moore wrote a song for Longeuay.
...The song was also played at Longeuay's memorial service on Thursday afternoon at the Athletic Hall.
Longeuay was killed driving into Port Alberni on Highway 4, just past Cathedral Grove. His truck left the road, striking a tree, sending Longeuay to Victoria General Hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
"I can't believe he's gone, he left everybody missing him, and now we're waiting for the day that we can visit him," Moore raps near the beginning of the song. "You may not be right here, but you're still with us, in our thoughts, giving us the inspiration, so here's to your life, it's a celebration."
Strong instinct for survival Romantically insane Moving soft along the edge of time Like a panther in the rain
Manipulated rebels With a total disregard for the rules When pride comes tumbling off the great white stallion You move closer to the truth
And the search continues for the meaning They build the cathedrals high But we keep our weapons ready Looming dark against the sky
They're taking down the rain forest Changing it to a room without a view And the big trees fall like dominoes And we move closer The eagle watches from the mountain As the warriors turn into fools And the dice are thrown on sacred ground And they move closer to the truth
And who's gonna tell the children How the rivers used to flow crystal blue And we keep leaving scars on Mother Earth And moving closer to the truth
Im Moment läuft Led Zeppelin bei mir.. ansonsten eigentlich alles was in Richtung Rock und Blues geht oder auch Rock'n' Roll und da so quer Beet; Elvis, Bruce Springsteen, CCR, ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd... Und im Augenblick höre ich Jeff Healey ganz gerne. Mein aktueller Lieblingstitel von ihm ist "like a hurricane"