In meiner ersten Radiosendung, die ich "analog" geschnitten hatte, legte ich von
AC/DC - The Jack auf
und eines meiner alten Lieblingslieder. Erev Shel Shoshanim von Harry Belafonte vorgetragen, hörte diesen Song zum ersten Mal 1968 im ehemaligen Jugoslawien - die schönste Version sang aber Harry... Später hörte ich dann die Originalversion aus Israel
Habe bei youtube die Harry-B-Version nicht gefunden (nur als CD daheim), aber so kann man es sich vorstellen
Erev Shel Shoshanim - Israel Gurion & Mel Rosenberg
hab mir vor kurzem diese 3 CD`s bestellt. "Douglas Spotted Eagle: Sacred Feelings", "Brule-The Collection", "Native Flamenco" von Ruben Romero, Robert Tree Cody und Tony Redhouse. Eventuell ist das auch etwas für Dich?!
Hab November 2004 mit einem Kollegen über Woody Guthrie Sendung gemacht, drei Stunden lang. Sein Schwiegersohn - der mit Guthrie-Tochter Nora verheiratet ist - lebt teils in Bonn. Mit ihm hatten wir damals ein interessantes Telefonat. Er ist der Herausgeber des Folker.
Raised up my hand & said I solemnly swear One January day And just like that I was the President Of the USA
Just like that I was the President Of the USA
There were limos, bands & speeches And parties to go to I said all that will have to wait There’s just so much to do
Them parties will have to wait There’s so much to do
My first day I offered statehood To Cuba and Mexico Cuba-1 state, Mexico-6 All or nothin’ that’s how it goes
No more border patrols & human smuggling & we’ll deal with our own neighborhood And a few more stars & some green in the flag Seems, like it might be good
And maybe Israel and Palestine Will follow our lead and just combine And then become Israelstine-who knows? Anyway that’s my first day
Second day I told Detroit Start makin’ cars that don’t use gas And I give everybody a big rebate And they started sellin’ fast
We’ll stop burnin up the air we breathe And makin’ the planet boil And we won’t have to kiss the ass Of whoever’s got the oil
Since before Hoover, the farmers ‘ve got The short end of the stick With the help of our Cuban brothers We’ll be Communistic (Collective farms!)
Capitalism is a fine thing If it works, then great, OK But if not, gotta try something else That’s what I did on my 3rd day
My 4th day all of our troops came home From all around the earth Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran More trouble than they’re worth
I’s tempted to say I’m sorry We’ll rebuild you with money and men But I just said, “You’re on your own “And don’t ##### with us again”
My 5th day I changed the army So it’s all of us or none We’ll all tie knots, & walk through mud Pitch tents and fire a gun
With just a few of us as warriors And the rest of us gone soft Martians could come & zap us Ain’t gonna happen on my watch
Day 6 I swore no prisoners more Would face their death inside Thou Shalt Not Kill applies to us all Too many mistakes, besides
Day 6 I swore no prisoner more Would ever face his death At least until my jury hears The Crimes of President Bush
Day 7 was hot, I legalized pot And none of this decriminalizing crap Let it grow in glory, end of story Then I burned one & took a nap
Hemp will help the farmers We’ll grow hemp everywhere One acre of hemp’s like 10 acres of trees And hemp grows back next year
My 8th day I made health care Cover everyone If you get sick, see a doctor That’s how my government’s run
And by the way, abortion Is included in this plan No one tells a girl how to treat her body Least of all some man
My 9th day I said sorry This government is no fool Ain’t gonna pay you extra to send your kid To some weird-ass wacko school
We’ll do our best to make our schools Best anyplace on earth If they ain’t good enough, think about it Before you go give birth
My 10th day I made it OK To marry whoever you Would be willing to ride with On a bicycle built for 2
Marry a woman, marry a man Marry a monkey too Marry a big old rhino And visit ‘em at the zoo
And that was my first 10 days My first 2 working weeks Lots of work for the bureaucrats And the paper-pushing geeks
After that we needed Some time to just have fun So we added some new holidays The next week, one by one
Monday was National Nude Day Everyone disrobed Tuesday was National Stoned Day Everyone got stoned
Wednesday was National Painting Day Thursday no television Friday was tennis, John McEnroe helped From his Cabinet position
Saturday, Sex With Impunity Day With no repercussions Sunday, do it all-Nude, Stoned, Painting, no TV, Tennis, Sex-Enjoy!! Just be ready for work on Monday And mister, no discussion
My Cabinet, as previously mentioned Includes John McEnroe And Wavy Gravy and Michael Franti And Ani Difranco
Muhammad Ali, Madonna Maya Angelou, Bratt Pitt And Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton And we’ll watch ‘em both go at it
And then I’ll get that Stephen Hawking Make him a citizen & stuff He’s the smartest guy in the world England’s had him long enough
I’ll tell him you can be the head of whatever you want Just bring your thinking cap And I’ll give him an office in Hollywood With all those ramps & crap
I raised up my hand & said I solemnly swear One January day And just like that I was the President Of the USA
Just like that Just like that Just like that I was the President Of the USA